
Showing posts from 2009


Back home

This adventure ended earlier then expected and I am coming home. I so wish it had worked out, but not this time around. So we'll see what I will do now. See ya!

The beginning

I am here! In England. Can't really believe it, feels unreal. The last days have been full of new impressions and I am trying to settle and get used to things. But so far it seems like this will be really good. Need to work out nore things to do though. So I am looking. I met Rachel yeaterday, which was awesome. It will be really nice to have such a good friend here. =) Going to look at the fireworks at here uni. tonight. Hope the weather is good. Oh well, see ya!

And off I go...

Scary! I am leaving tomorrow! Woho. I think it will be legen..., wait for it, wait for it...dairy. So next time I am typing here I will be there. See ya!

It's getting closer....

What can I say. it's getting closer everyday. I left Stockholm last Saturday and is now hanging out at my parents place in Hjo over the holiday. Having a fabulous time but I have a few things I need to work out before Monday. Like finish repacking to fit the weight limits at the flight over. Hm. Should manage to do that tomorrow, hopefully. Feels crazy that I am leaving for England on Monday! But I think it will be great.:) See ya!

Living in a suitcase, again

So have my brother been here and picked up all my things I am storing in their basement. And I am living in a suitcase again. Weird. I realised that when I leave for Birmingham I haven't even been back in Sweden for two months.... feels longer though. I am so excited to go and so nervous. and I dislike packing my things again, but on the other hand I don't really need all the stuff I have. They are mostly there for memories. And I can't throw away my memories, can I? So I'll probably come back from England with more "memories" that I have to find room for :) Oh, well, got to go. See ya!

From guilt to gratefulness

This day started out with a feeling of guilt. You know when you just wake up and everything start up wrong. Today it all started with a phone call from my job. (I work at a day-care if someone is sick) I didn't answer 'cause I wanted to use this day to pack my things for when I am moving. This should be fine, but I felt so guilty for turning down job when I need money. After this I started to think about the fact that I owed my parents money and that I have no possibility of paying them back. Guilt. But after I went swimming and then talked to my sister I was feeling better. So when I got home after running some errands I called my parents to find out how much I owed and ask to borrow a small amount more. Like to find out how guilty I should feel. Then the wonder happened. My very generous parents had decided to give me everything I owed. I still feel a bit guilty over the fact that they once more gave me money and took away what I owed. But mostly I feel grateful. So grateful....

Another try, a new start

So, then it's time for a new try on the whole blogging thing. Thought I had given up, but should probably give it one more try =) And as always the reason for this is a trip, a new adventure. I am going to Birmingham, UK, to work as an au pair. I am starting in November, if everything goes as planned! So excited! And so scared it won't happen. But hopefully this is another dream in reality. A new wonderful (?) adventure. I'll keep you posted. 'Til then, take care! See ya!

Packning för nästa äventyr

Sitter och skriver packlista för sommaren på camp nu, och undrar hur jag ska lyckas få ner allt på ett bra sätt.... Känner mig lite smånervös av att jag inte har koll på packningen då jag har rätt fullt upp de närmaste dagarna, men det kommer bli bra. Samtidigt börjar jag bli verkligt nervös för att åka nu, det är så annorlunda. Det har hela tiden varit så långt tills jag skulle åka, och då kunde jag knappt vänta. Nu då det är dags så undrar jag om jag är redo ;-)Men kul ska det bli! Hoppas bara att jag är bra på det här och att det är trevliga människor där.... Förresten så ska jag nog skriva om mina reseäventyr på resedagboken, mitt alias där är newemelia. Så där hittar ni mig i sommar :-) Trevlig midsommar!


Idag har varit en sådan där härligt slapp sommardag. Började med god frukost som Sara fixat. Sedan så blev det att ligga ute på gräset, äta onyttigt, prata, sola och läsa lite. Helt underbart. Önskade bara att somarlovet redan bö snart så är det dags. Har fått gå in nu, då solen tillslut flyttade sig så mycket att vi inte kunde flytta efter =) Ska väl avsluta dagen med att slappa lite till....

Drömmar i Verkligheten

Ibland så blir drömmar verklighet och i bland blir verkligheten drömlik. Idag fick jag veta att jag ska få åka och jobba på Long Point Camp i upstate New York i sommar. Ska bli så kul! Mer info kommer...